Senator John F. Kennedy called for world peace through the development of world law in two major speeches. As a candidate for President in 1960, he and his New Frontiersmen published a bold commitment to world law in the Democratic Party Platform of 1960.
When Kennedy became President, The New York Times covered his inaugural with a front page banner headline:
Kennedy sworn in; Asks for Global Alliance
Against Tyranny, Want, Disease and War
JFK not only called for “A grand and global alliance” and “a new world of law” in his Inaugural address, but also. In follow-up addresses, he called for” a strengthened United Nations,” “a genuine world security system,” and “the development of world law”. Specifically, the occasions for these bold utterances were in an address at the UN on September 25, 1961, in his remarks after signing the new Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, September 26, 1961, in his Third State of the Union message, in a commencement address at American University on June 10, 1963, in a television address about the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty on July 26, 1963, in his remarks at a press conference on September 12, 1963,,and in his address at the UN on September 20, 1963. In this last address at the UN, he also proposed “a Worldwide program of conservation” to save the forests and the oceans.