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Bagnall, Joseph A. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy's Grand and Global Alliance: World Order for the New Century. University Press of America, 1992.

grand-and-global (29K)

"An excellent and valuable collection of the Kennedy Legacy--the Kennedy to be remembered and studied."

--Dr. J.W. Peltason
Professor of Political Science, University of California, Irvine
Author of Understanding the Constitution, 12th edition, 1991
Co-author of Government by the People, 14th edition, 1990

"This book reminds one of what a leader can do in the Presidency--John Kennedy's vision makes a sharp contrast to the last ten years of myopia in the White House"

--Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich
Bing Professor of Population Studies, Department of
Biological Sciences, Standford University
Author of The Population Bomb, 1968 and
Extinction: The Causes and Consequences of
the Disappearance of Species
, 1981

"Dr. Joseph A. Bagnall's book will give students a new look at Kennedy's proposed global alliance. This is a workable scheme, in Kennedy's own words, of how to develop the international machinery to guarantee freedom, keep the peace, and save the planet from world-wide pollution. The book presents that part of the Kennedy global legacy that has been lost in a welter of Kennedy books that sensationalize rather than instruct."

--Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C.
President Emeritus of University of Notre Dame

"We will need global agreements to resolve environmental issues such as ozone depletion, and Dr. Bagnall's book documents the fact that President Kennedy set the precedents for such agreements."

--Dr. Mario Molina
Professor of Chemistry & Professor of Earth,
Atmospheric, & Planetary Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Co-Discoverer of Ozone Depletion

"A vivid reminder of the hope, energy and vision of the Kennedy years."

--Dr. David M. Kennedy
Department of History, Stanford University
Author of the American Pageant, 9th edition, 1991

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